February 13, 2009


Please do not read if allergic to high level of arrogance and awesomeness.

I'm awesome
This week, it has been a serie of some awesome fillings, one after another.
Best amalgam effort by me to date. Best Composite build up to date. and Fuji IX too.
How awesome you may ask?
It was demonstrator-asked-how-did-you-do-it awesome.

ok I exaggerated it (a lot) but the point was that I'm happy with the fillings I've done so far
No one will notice it. Pts wont thank me for it. but it's my pride and joy.
After feeling less motivated this yr, this life's little pleasure is what keeps me going from day to day.
The only setback is the time taken to achieve the work.

Of course speed comes with experience but I find that as we move away from educational institution, we are starting to compromise quality for time.
When we are rushing, a filling is just another job and soon we are tired of it. But when we are perfecting, working becomes a pleasure.
I do think that to be a good dentist you need to have skills, speed and most importantly, integrity. That is the ability to uphold the high standard of work and to never compromise.
I'll prob become an anal dentist who spends too much time on one filling and earns little money but I'll be happy.
As stated by my hero, "there's no charge for awesomeness"

I'm awesome... and so I should act accordingly.
By the way, Barney Stinson took that line from me, not the other way around

Spewed yet? I told you so

1 comment:

_V said...

anaphylatic shock *dies*