January 28, 2009

It was brutal today

ah 40 degrees...just when we thought this summers gonna go by in cool breezes,
it was simply not the case.

Melbourne is apparently going thru the driest January in who knows how many yrs.
The bushfire, the ashes, the bursted waterpipe, and my cracked lip.
(which has proven that regardless of seasons, the Australian weather is always dry)

Today was a hot hot hot day...way above the legal temperature limit
Walking out from the comfort of air-conditioned RDHM this afternoon, it reminded me again how human are not meant to live in such condition.

My skin was screaming 'i couldnt take this anymore'
As the hot gusting wind brushed past my face, it felt like all oxygen escaped my body, and hydrogen twice as much.
I dun wan beaches. I dun wan a tan. I just wanna be in a tub full of ice with connetto in my mouth.

Oh sun, it was brutal today

PS. charcoal chicken was good

January 21, 2009

Ur big, my little

lately life evolves a lot around kids.
seeing friend's kid, seeing kids at the community clinics, watching a movie about kids in 'role models'
and I'm starting to believe what my dental idol once said. u've gotta love kids. kids r cool.
Even the one I saw today...
That kid in primary care clinic certainly enriched my life.
He was the first kid I attempted to extract the tooth out of.
He has the longest primary tooth I've ever seen to date.
He was the first kid I knew to endure an hour of extraction time yet did not make a scene
Pulling his tooth made me sweat like a p*g and gave me the first cramp in my left forearm.
It was the first tooth I failed to extract and had someone saying to me "oh supa, it's just a baby tooth"
all-in-all an awesome kid. wouldnt have a second thought if I had to do it all again.

On the random note, my friend wrote a song and I thought one line was funny. It said
"I wasn't stalking.
I was just walking...right.. behind.. you" ...hehe

January 18, 2009

Prince et Princess

Within these last few months, I knew of at least 5 friends' couples that broke up. At the time, it felt unexpected and sad cos there was a part of me that believes in fairy tales.
My friend has a theory that ppl break up around the end of yr b4 Valentine day comes along but I think it's just the seasons.

ppl get together in spring, not cos it's the 'mating' season but becos it has the happy (no exam...yet) and warm (literally) and flowery feelings to it. It's also becos everyone else are getting together and the devil on ur shoulder tells you to be a little bit jealous.
ppl get together in spring but they don't survive the summer break (as you often see in teen dramas like gossip girl etc).
During the summer break, ppl move away into different environments. Some ppl go home to meet old friends and family. They are happy and busy, so they leave the troublesome routine world and the ppl in it behind, the one involving uni, lectures and exams.
It's like they are closing a book, shelfing a chapter of their lives away with a bookmark and thinking 'I'll get back to it later'.

Relationships are easy(-ier?) when you're together and spend time everyday. It's what you do while you're away to let the other person know you're always there for them that counts.
If you don't do that, you'll find that one day when you reopen the book, it'll be filled with pages of tales and stories, but you're not in it any more.
Life doesn't pause. Love doesn't pause.

It's like Prince Charming getting distracted by disney music and the singing birds in the forest. When he turns up at the castle, he finds that the princess has already been rescued by Shrek... and guess who did the princess married?

Summer '09 I find myself in the same situation as I was 3 yrs ago, only I was a prince then but a princess now

January 17, 2009

Bin-ing thoughts at Ferntree Gully

While waiting for the train at Ferntree gully station, some random thoughts creeped to my mind.

If we accidentally got onto the wrong platform, we have to walk/run down the long ramp, cross the rail track at the end of the station and walk/run up the ramp on the other side...which is...quite far.
So if we realise we're on the wrong platform the moment the train appears in our sight, it's all too late unless we jump off the platform, run across and try to climb the platform on the other side directly in front of us.
Here's the thought. An average person should be able to climb up the train platform.
But what about fat ppl. I'm talking obese-baby-elephant fat. They have no chance of making it up onto the platform.
So if the train station is blocked from both ends and we put one fat person down on the track between platforms, we can starve that person to death. right? (oh oh ...more random answer/thought at the bottom)
so mean and random I am.

some other (positive?) thought.
Kids are the coolest beings on earth.
It's only when they grow up that they become idiots, do drugs and follow brandnames.

No. If he's patient enough he can gather all the pebbles around the track, pile them all up and climb out =)

Fantasy world

Travel log.

6.32 Leave Fish Pond Town. Get onto East Aus current. 800m swim to Uniport
6.35 Caught in the intersection whirlpool. 2mins delay
6.50 Pick up ham&mayo at Delight Island on the way. 5mins delay by bread-loving grandma. Swim at 2x speed
6.59 Pay speed boat fare at booth 7, watching 2 speed boats go by.
6.55 Uniport Speed Boat (schedule)
7.01 on South M speed boat
7.07 Arrive @ Central Underground City. Delayed by the diving bell
7.08 Central Underground City Submarine (schedule)
7.09 Miss BG XPress1 sub.
7.09.30 Swim up. No decompression stop. Inhale extra nitrox.
7.12 Surface and grab the side of the passing speedboat, chasing BG XPress1.
7.16 Dock @ Clock City. Activate water-running no jutsu. Board BG XPress1 30sec b4 leaving
7.17 Clock City Submarine (schedule)
8.08 Dock @ the Hidden Forest City. Hike 800m south.
8.13 Hike past G.B.Woolley hut
8.18 Arrive @ Tooth Town. Meet Davin arriving on personal jet.
8.37 Meet tooth fairies

January 14, 2009

PC 01

- Read pts cos they all have 'the most' painful toothache in the world.

- Tell pt when shits happen. so u can go to sleep at night.

- Meet best friends: Amoxicillin, Metronidazole, odontopaste, LA and scalpel blade.

- Try not to think of pus

January 1, 2009


I believe that for anyone to go on living his/her life, he or she needs to have 2 things and I'm not talking about something objective like oxygen or money.
I think we all need to have purposes and hope i.e. a vision of something to aim for and the belief that it's a possibilty.
Someone once said a leader can not lead if he doesnt know where he's going, so in order for me to lead my own life, I think I need to put something down as a reminder.

In 2009, I shall aim to:
- Study dentistry for my patients and myself and not for passing exams
- Learn manual driving and get a full Victorian license by the end of this yr
- Be more financially intelligent
- Regularly exercise in the form other than badminton
- Be more awared of whats going on around me
- Think more about others
- Learn the GowGates technique