February 18, 2009


How can we tell ourselves if the person is a friend or more than 'just friend'?
It really is a cliche but prob is accurate to say 'when you can't stop thinking about the person'.
If by a sudden wake of a moment you had this oh-I-totally-forgot-about-this-person thought then that person is prob not that special to you.
They said you've gotta have chemistry.

What's chemistry?
How can one person have so much influence on another even when they hardly know each other really puzzles me. This chemistry thing is extraordinary. When the person is not around, it heightens the brain function, specifically in the lobe containing all memories of that person. The image of the person becomes crystal clear like somehow you're invisibly connected.

When your eyes see them, even just a quick glance across the room, the 'chemistry' switches on the radar scan in your head, subconsciously extracting blurry images from your peripheral vision and tells you the person's whereabout in the room without looking. More or less like a homing missile locking its target except you want to switch your stupid radar off but your command has been overridden by this 'chemistry' thing.

The funny thing life always throws at you is the fact that when we madly wanna see that person, they are never around. But when we are trying to switch off the radar, that person's presence seems to be lingering around all the time making it impossible to do so. Everything you see, everything you eat, everywhere you go will inevitably remind you of them.

According to a British Journal published in 1998, this 'chemistry' is believed to be a molecule in the body made up of rare elements Lutetium and Vanadium. The bonding strength is usually stable but the reaction taken to achieve that molecular structure requires a catalyst which is yet to be determined. Ever since the discovery, the research has come up with the synthetic model of the molecule composing of Chromium, Uranium, Sulphur and Hydrogen which is more readily available but has a much higher rate of reuptake by the body. No wonder it's only short acting.

Sigh* I'm tired of chemistry.

1 comment:

_V said...


Hey my chem teacher use to call me Vanadium, where's Lutetium?

I totally get that radar thing, you know exactly where they are in relation to you physically. (emotionally, no idea) and for some reason you tend to gravitate towards them.

hope you had fun at safeway buying toilet paper. HA