February 28, 2009

Michael Schofield wanna-be

A few days back, I was woken up from my nap by a friend and was told that she got my key stuck in the door. In my half awake half dopey state, I went downstairs and the key sure was stuck.
After trying to turn very hard a couple of times, I decided that I needed to eat dinner first.

There are certain features that you would expect your normal door lock to have and they are the followings:
- the lock can only be opened by your keys alone.
- the key cannot be pulled out from the key hole while turning.
- the key hole cannot be turned once the key is out.

As it turned out, there were some faulty springs inside the lock that got caught, causing the key to get stuck. After pulling apart my door knob, losing a few damaged springs and dropping a few small parts of the lock, this is the state my door lock is currently in.

- it still can be locked from inside and outside.
- an unidentical but similar key may be able to unlock the door from the inside only.
- if lucky, the door can be unlocked from the inside without needing any key at all.
- sometimes the key maybe stuck while retrieving it out of the socket (the inside lock of course). you simply need to wiggle it a bit and hope for the best.

As my friend put it, the state of my door lock may be benefitial to 'a very unlucky burglar who couldnt find the key once he broke into the house via windows'.
I mean, once the burglar got inside the house, the state of the lock from the inside is irrelevant.

The experience was fun tho. This was almost like a puzzle. I love mind games.
Isn't life beautiful?

February 27, 2009

Ego revived

Friends think I'm too aggressive with teeth.
Demonstrators didnt think I can do it.
They all have one thing in common. Sterotype.

After my demonstrator concluded that I cut through the side of my patient's tooth, both me and my patient suffered through a great depression for 3 days. I had my doubt of how good I really am and whether I was really overconfident, because that perforation was just one too many. What more, the guy is my presentation case for the end of year exam. It certainly won't look good if I stuffed up. I've been anxious about the endo drought this yr, feeling a bit restless staying away from K files this long. It would be unbearable to refer the patient away.

After getting my patient back to confirm my apparent "mistake" and opened up the tooth, a perfect root canal anatomy was staring at my face. The perfect 4 canals upper molar first seen through my eyes.

The patient is no longer in pain and the previous swelling went away in hrs after the last visit, according to him.
It wasn't a perforation. It was the canal that I found but my demonstrator couldnt find.
I did a perfect access preparation, the best by me to date and so there was a regret, a regret that I lost my cool, a regret that I let other ppl tell me what I can or cant do and in doing so, my patient suffered. It was unfair, to my patient.
I was happy, happy for the fact that I refused to accept my demonstrator's diagnosis and had the energy to prove it.

In the high of proving my demonstrator wrong, I met the new obstacle, a constricted canal which reminded me once again that I'm just a small fish in the ocean. The root canal anatomy isn't as simple as I once thought and there are so much more to learn

The lesson for the day: learn off someone who knows more than you

February 26, 2009


I'm sick.
I knew it was coming these last few days but the symptoms were only aggrevated by my lack of sleep last night.
I had to drive an hr to Knox to work today and an hr back.
The throbbing in my head and the nasal sinus were torturing.
Came home at 6pm, needing to sleep so badly only to rush out of the house for study goup meeting with friends but without dinner.
B4 leaving tho, I was desperate for any kind of relief I can get.
The 3 different medicines I used to have as nasal decongestant are of no use.
One was expired at the end of last yr. One, I couldn't find and I suspected expiration was the reason I threw it out. and one would make me drowsy as a side effect + it's not to be taken with alcohol. Just perfect.
With all these sickness and medicines, it seemed faithed not to go on pub crawl tonight.
While scrambling for panadol, I realised alcohol reduces liver functions which metabolise panadol.
Definitely no alcohol tonight.

February 22, 2009


Last month's weather was pretty hot, hitting 40+ on a few of the days.
'Hot' was one of the most overused words of the week and so I came up with a line to answer that.
Ever since I attempted to use it on as many ppl as possible but the weather no longer permits it.

A: Sooooooo HOT!!!!!
B: Me, you or the air in between? :)
A: ...

Lame but thought it was a good idea at the time.

February 18, 2009


How can we tell ourselves if the person is a friend or more than 'just friend'?
It really is a cliche but prob is accurate to say 'when you can't stop thinking about the person'.
If by a sudden wake of a moment you had this oh-I-totally-forgot-about-this-person thought then that person is prob not that special to you.
They said you've gotta have chemistry.

What's chemistry?
How can one person have so much influence on another even when they hardly know each other really puzzles me. This chemistry thing is extraordinary. When the person is not around, it heightens the brain function, specifically in the lobe containing all memories of that person. The image of the person becomes crystal clear like somehow you're invisibly connected.

When your eyes see them, even just a quick glance across the room, the 'chemistry' switches on the radar scan in your head, subconsciously extracting blurry images from your peripheral vision and tells you the person's whereabout in the room without looking. More or less like a homing missile locking its target except you want to switch your stupid radar off but your command has been overridden by this 'chemistry' thing.

The funny thing life always throws at you is the fact that when we madly wanna see that person, they are never around. But when we are trying to switch off the radar, that person's presence seems to be lingering around all the time making it impossible to do so. Everything you see, everything you eat, everywhere you go will inevitably remind you of them.

According to a British Journal published in 1998, this 'chemistry' is believed to be a molecule in the body made up of rare elements Lutetium and Vanadium. The bonding strength is usually stable but the reaction taken to achieve that molecular structure requires a catalyst which is yet to be determined. Ever since the discovery, the research has come up with the synthetic model of the molecule composing of Chromium, Uranium, Sulphur and Hydrogen which is more readily available but has a much higher rate of reuptake by the body. No wonder it's only short acting.

Sigh* I'm tired of chemistry.

February 15, 2009

Lonely day

I think I wrote a blog for Valentine's day every yr and the msg is the same old same.

Valentine's day is officially a lonely day...
when parents and family are not around,
friends are too busy with their gf/bf,
single friends are too scared to hang out in fear of possible misunderstandings.

Life sux. I played badminton.

February 14, 2009

Oh dentistry

Some analogies offered by a friend and by me


Dentistry is like playing poker. Dentists with experience can tackle most problems like most players can win with winning hands. But only good players can win with crappy ones. And that's done with a bit of bluffing and a bit of confidence.


Doing dentistry is like being in a relationship. It sux but you stay in it anyway because you hope tomorrow will get better, though it never does.

February 13, 2009


Please do not read if allergic to high level of arrogance and awesomeness.

I'm awesome
This week, it has been a serie of some awesome fillings, one after another.
Best amalgam effort by me to date. Best Composite build up to date. and Fuji IX too.
How awesome you may ask?
It was demonstrator-asked-how-did-you-do-it awesome.

ok I exaggerated it (a lot) but the point was that I'm happy with the fillings I've done so far
No one will notice it. Pts wont thank me for it. but it's my pride and joy.
After feeling less motivated this yr, this life's little pleasure is what keeps me going from day to day.
The only setback is the time taken to achieve the work.

Of course speed comes with experience but I find that as we move away from educational institution, we are starting to compromise quality for time.
When we are rushing, a filling is just another job and soon we are tired of it. But when we are perfecting, working becomes a pleasure.
I do think that to be a good dentist you need to have skills, speed and most importantly, integrity. That is the ability to uphold the high standard of work and to never compromise.
I'll prob become an anal dentist who spends too much time on one filling and earns little money but I'll be happy.
As stated by my hero, "there's no charge for awesomeness"

I'm awesome... and so I should act accordingly.
By the way, Barney Stinson took that line from me, not the other way around

Spewed yet? I told you so

February 2, 2009

41 mins left

A few minutes back, a random icebreaker/chain mail question popped into my head.
"what would you do if you realise the world will end tomorrow?"... and there's only 41 mins left til midnight

"Hug parents. Send caring msgs to friends. listen to good music like John Mayer's." -- Cheeky
Hearing what my friend had to say for herself saddened me for the fact that I havent seen my parents for over a year, havent hugged them for just as long and won't be able to see them b4 I go.
My brother decided to be in Wollongong which makes my closest living relatives a few kms shy of a 1000.
I certainly cannot be bothered sending all the msgs to friends cos the service would prob be jammed cos everyone are thinking of the same thing like on new years eye. Plus I don't think that's how I want to spend my last 40 or so mins. [side story - my friend sent a msg to himself on NYE and it didnt come thru until after 30+ mins.]
and...I dun like John Mayer

For a minute I wondered, How many firsts can I realistically accomplish in 40 minutes.
So here's my version.
I shall run downstairs dialling my mum's home number. Tell mum I love her and thank her for who I am today, while starting up my car. Call dad's mobile cos he's prob still at work telling him pretty much the same thing and also how he never get to see me drive drive a car by myself.
After hanging up, I shall speed the car over 130km/hr for the first time (1st).
Break into uni (1st) [the stopping bars are just plastic anyway] and drive an honourary lap in Batman's tunnel (1st).
Drive past a friend's place on drummond st. Throw a rock at her window, hopefully breaking it (1st) in the process. Yell "thanks". Keep driving towards the city, going past Verve. Attempt to throw rocks at any window (1st) since I dunno which room my friend is in. Yell "thanks" anyway. Sadly those are the 2 close friends that are here now and are on my way to the city.
Once reaching the city, do as many hook turns (1st) as I can in the shortest route possible to Flinder st, honking at the horses (1st) if I see one or two along the way.
Pick up Spanish Churros at Flinder st station (1st) without paying (1st) and keep driving past south bank.
Find her apartment (1st), give her half of the churros (1st) and kiss her (1st).
Her face can be the last I see.

Times up.