February 2, 2009

41 mins left

A few minutes back, a random icebreaker/chain mail question popped into my head.
"what would you do if you realise the world will end tomorrow?"... and there's only 41 mins left til midnight

"Hug parents. Send caring msgs to friends. listen to good music like John Mayer's." -- Cheeky
Hearing what my friend had to say for herself saddened me for the fact that I havent seen my parents for over a year, havent hugged them for just as long and won't be able to see them b4 I go.
My brother decided to be in Wollongong which makes my closest living relatives a few kms shy of a 1000.
I certainly cannot be bothered sending all the msgs to friends cos the service would prob be jammed cos everyone are thinking of the same thing like on new years eye. Plus I don't think that's how I want to spend my last 40 or so mins. [side story - my friend sent a msg to himself on NYE and it didnt come thru until after 30+ mins.]
and...I dun like John Mayer

For a minute I wondered, How many firsts can I realistically accomplish in 40 minutes.
So here's my version.
I shall run downstairs dialling my mum's home number. Tell mum I love her and thank her for who I am today, while starting up my car. Call dad's mobile cos he's prob still at work telling him pretty much the same thing and also how he never get to see me drive drive a car by myself.
After hanging up, I shall speed the car over 130km/hr for the first time (1st).
Break into uni (1st) [the stopping bars are just plastic anyway] and drive an honourary lap in Batman's tunnel (1st).
Drive past a friend's place on drummond st. Throw a rock at her window, hopefully breaking it (1st) in the process. Yell "thanks". Keep driving towards the city, going past Verve. Attempt to throw rocks at any window (1st) since I dunno which room my friend is in. Yell "thanks" anyway. Sadly those are the 2 close friends that are here now and are on my way to the city.
Once reaching the city, do as many hook turns (1st) as I can in the shortest route possible to Flinder st, honking at the horses (1st) if I see one or two along the way.
Pick up Spanish Churros at Flinder st station (1st) without paying (1st) and keep driving past south bank.
Find her apartment (1st), give her half of the churros (1st) and kiss her (1st).
Her face can be the last I see.

Times up.

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