October 30, 2008

Doesn't matter what we r

Some ppl had been married for over 10 yrs and yet, they divorced
while others never got married but were together, had kids and lived happily ever after.

A wise woman once told me that it's what you do that counts.
Some ppl are together everyday but fail to look after each other, physically and emotionally
while other ppl who dun hav much time make what little time they have together meaningful.

so it doesn't really matter what she thinks of me.
Since the day she baked me cookies, I knew my life werent gonna be the same.
To me, shes a special person.

I'd treat her like one but also give the space she needs.
Although I cant expect things from her cos she may not feel the same way

but I can just give as much as I can and be happy in doing so.

Happiness potion: Expect a little less. Give a little more. Slow but steady, selflessly and pure.

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