March 30, 2009

Life doesn't wait

Some ppl don't understand that life doesn't wait for you to be ready. That was a pretty clear message from the forever-will-be-top-rom-com-in-my-heart movie, 'A Lot Like Love', telling us how we can't live our lives in a serial circuit, waiting for all the great things in life to come to you one by one, one after another. Life is a parallel circuit. Things (or s**ts) happen all the time. Destiny comes around the corner and you take whatever you can. You may not be great at multi-tasking but you hope that at the end of the day the goods will outweight the bads, that friends and love ones would carry you through hard times, that you'll come out the other end clean and learnt from your mistakes along the way. What if it takes a thousand mistakes for you to get it right? Can you afford to do it all one after another? Life's too short. Living life in series and you'll find you'll miss many trains.

I saw one of my friends' photo with his gf and it just dawned on me how it felt so right. I never thought I'd seen them in that sorta light but they really seemed happy and complete right there in the moment the picture was captured. Why do ppl with gf/bf have a glow about them? Are all great things really made in pairs? Why?
"Oliver, this is life. It doesn't wait for you to get back on your feet" - Graham ('A Lot Like Love" 2005)

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