March 26, 2009

Learning things the hard way

There's always a first time for everything, including a needle stick injury.

With everything in life, I find that we never really learn anything despite having been told over and over because it still feels like a fantasy that you can't relate to. But once it happened to yourself, it became a reality that's hard to forget and so we live through life making mistakes, one after another.

I've made mistakes, so many mistakes these past 5 yrs. I've made people cry. I've made some people lose faith. I've made people angry. I've made enemies without knowing. I've made some gain to my patient's loss but I'm grateful for their sacrifice. Many thanks to those who put up with me and guided me with kindness and compassion. I hope one day I'll be capable of giving it back.

I've always thought that I'm generally a lucky person. There were a lot of mistakes in my life but they were little ones that set me back but never really took me down. It almost seems like those were designed not to cause me grief but to make me learn things in life, predetermined check points. It's like another hurdle to jump over and I get stronger after each one.

Sometimes my knees knocked the bar and bruised but I never catch the bar by the foot and fall... like a rock.

Thoughts: Know when to remember, when to forget and when to forgive.

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