August 11, 2008

Don't Look

Don't look cos u wont find it......whatever it is that ur looking for

Patient's phone number...
I swear I wrote it in my record notebook...
when I was calling the patient...
fliping through the pages, over and over and over...couldnt find it
got home and there it was... staring at my face

bloody hell...
one minute, the tooth model was in my hand...the next minute, it was gone
kept looking over the pile of models 2-3 times...couldnt find it

Went back at the end of the day
there it was, in the very same pile I looked for ealier
5 minutes after I found my model, I lost my Listerine pen

couldnt do anything right today

A nice quote from Dr. John Matthews (ADA President)
"I hope that by the end of these 5 years, u'll realise . If u do it for the money, u wont' last. u'll find that u'll burn out pretty quickly....... u have to believe that ur doing something good"

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