May 15, 2009

Just call

"well u should have just called me to hang out. I was pretty lonely last year..."

Sometimes you wish you could've taken things back and do it all over again but that's just a fantasy.
"Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free." was the famous quote from Shawshank redemption which reminded me that fear is our biggest obstacle in achieving anything. We fear a lot of things: fear of the unknown, fear of change, fear of rejection, fear of failure. We let opportunities fly by without knowing what could've been or how it may have turned out. And on rare occasions, things happened that made you realised what you've lost and made you regreted not taking chances. Like the movie 'Sliding doors' starring Gwyneth Paltrow, a seemingly insignificant event can split your life down different paths and the lives you could've had became parallel universes. So when the next fork on the road comes, which path would you go on? Where do you want to be?

Time to stop being afraid.


_V said...

Last year was only 5 months ago? Can't you make up for lost time?

What about fear of doing the wrong thing onto that person?

How significantly can "hanging out" change life anyway?

Always go on the path less travelled by, because that will make all the difference - paraphrased of Robert Frost

Supa04 said...

Well it's difficult to make up for lost time when they are no longer here.
That one event wasn't that significant but it triggered the thought that came afterward. I lost the chance to have another good friend but that was just one example. I can never be sure how many I let by in the past being who I am. Just reflecting on my own behaviour.